sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

Contraindications of the consumption of licores.

Adverse effects of the consumption of licores.
Although the licores, drunk with moderation, can have an interesting recreacional use and until even for some questions related to the health, you must consider that take implicit the own contraindications of all the spirits.First of all, and no matter how hard he is totally accepted socially the alcohol consumption and that he is something legal, the alcohol is a psychoactive drug. The alcohol produces euphoria, since it releases to endorfinas and dopamines in the brain, causing lack of inhibition and taking to states of unconsciousness in cases of abuse.
As much the heart as muscles can be seen severely affected by the continuous and excessive use of alcohol. It is that it tends to debilitate them and to obstruct the normal operation of the sanguineous circulation.
But without a doubt some, the digestive system is the one who can more be seen affected by the use and abuse of licores. Mainly the liver, that is the one in charge to filter this substance. In him, the excessive consumption in the long term can get to cause alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. But also it generates irritation of stomach, ulcers and until it can get to cause colon cancer.
In addition, the continuous alcohol consumption can generate addiction. By this same one it is that the ideal is to enjoy these drinks moderation and prevents. If we know to maintain the control of the situation, we will manage to enjoy the licores as it corresponds.

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