sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

He properties and the Benefits of liquors.

He Properties and the Benefits Of Liquors
Liquors always have been outstanding, from remote times, by their magnificent powers to fight or to palliate some diseases. In fact, the alchemists ran into with them for those aims, although the practical use nowadays is totally different.That is to say, the amounts of benefits and good properties are great that contain some liquors.
In fact, it has been verified scientifically that many liquors are excellent to treat and to fight some diseases. Of course, whenever they are not consumed in excess.
The whiskey is one of them. Already from distant times, they administered them to the monks in the abbeys with curative aims. In Scotland an infusion with whiskey base was prepared to fight the cold.
And in other countries like the United States or France, its moderate consumption was encouraged to prevent infarcts and by its relajantes properties.
Also oporto, in addition to its sedative properties, is recommended to open the appetite to that it does not want or it cannot eat. The tequila is used for the evils related to the respiratory system in Mexico. The vodka also was used with respiratory aims relative to the evils. The brandy, combined with other grass, is used commonly to treat psychological affections of type as they can be the panic attacks. Nor to speak of the rum, that was the favorite medicine of the pirates and sailors: besides to clear stress and the boredom to them, it served to them to fight a great amount of diseases that could get to contract out to sea.
You will see that the licores, much more there of their mere recreational use, have important qualities that, whenever you use them with moderation, can be important for your organism.

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