sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

Elaboration of liquors.

Artisan elaboration of licores: the importance of the ingredients.In order to make a licor, like to make a food, the type of raw material is essential that we will use. It is that this one will determine the final quality of the licor. By this same one, he is recommendable to have extreme well-taken care of in the election and to follow certain steps that will be of crucial importance in the final result of the licor.A licor entails four fundamental parts. That is to say, these are the water, the sugar, the alcohol and the aromas, that will be determined by the fruits or grass that you use in its preparation.
Tries to always use distilled water or that comes from a very safe source. You can also use mineral water without this represents a problem. But that yes, always you must use a water of good quality. Nor it is happened to you to use water of the faucet.
For the licores of clearer coloration, the advisable thing is that you previously dissolve it in water, forming a syrup species. Of that way you will avoid that soon it is settled at heart of the bottle. The finer sugar use is even advised, like the one of beet. However, for the licores of darker tones, you can use brown sugar or, even, prepare a caramel previously to its use. This will accentuate the coloration of the prepared one.
Ten taken care of much with the alcohol that you use! Many of which they sell in any pharmacy can be nonapt for human consumption. By this same one it is that cerciorarte is fundamental well of what type of alcohol you are using. It asks before acquiring it if it serves for the licores that you try to create.
the grass and fruits that you use in the preparation, will be fundamental in the aroma and flavor that the resulting licor they will have. So it tries to use station elements and that are well fresh.

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